About Us

We are dedicated directory listing and advertising website designed to help the furniture industry in Malaysia to find their place in the online scene. Our purpose is clear and simple: we serve as an information highway to relevant industries to meet each other in order to create partnerships, networks and collaborations. We also make our website friendly for buyers, procurement officers, and individuals to find the best producer or retailer of quality furniture in Malaysia, both imported and locally made brands. Our goal is to simplify and create a more effective platform to source raw materials, market businesses and find actual clients directly, without the need of a third party. Our informational services are only limited to advertising furniture businesses online. We do not in any way, sell actual products or raw materials to anybody or lead consumers to specific providers.

An online directory may seem like a commonplace thing in the World Wide Web, but in Malaysia, effective e-listings and directories are just beginning to dominate the business scene. It is our pleasure to be one of the most reliable and comprehensive-business listing site for furniture creators and retailers. This ensures that the furniture market in the country is further optimized using effective channels or platforms like the internet. Now, more than ever, actual manufacturers and providers of quality raw materials for furniture need the attention from the expanding marketplace. Our website ensures that these entities will find a place online where the possibilities of expanding their businesses become real and possible.

At the moment, our website holds listings for hundreds of local companies, carrying a wide range of raw materials and tools. Local furniture brands, as well as foreign brands distributed locally. Our aim is to provide an even playing field for these businesses to effectively compete and take part of the expanding supply chain for quality furniture pieces for commercial buildings, offices and homes.

Random Listing

Artsystem (M) Sdn Bhd specialized in Industrial Workbench & Lab Furniture, Interior Design Consultancy, Laboratory Furniture, Industrial Work Bench ESD, Custom Made Furniture, Residential & Office Renovation.

Online Services

Intellect worldwide is the Malaysia leading consulting firm that offers the professional services of trademark, patent, franchise consultants, branding consultants. They assist all businesses from various industries by providing them the best Intellectual Property IP services in Malaysia. Contact intellect-worldwide.com for detail.

Financial Firm

SK iWealth is a premier financial planning firm in Malaysia, known for its expertise and certification as a Certified Financial Planner in Malaysia, providing accountancy and tax services to offering comprehensive financial solutions.

Industrial Products

Senconix: Established in 2022 and backed by 20 years of industry knowledge. Your trusted source for Degson industrial products and is a Siemens Distributor offering top-tier industrial communication and energy transfer solutions.

Contact us

Explore the wide range of companies as well as furniture pieces that you can find. We are sure that our listing is the only thing you need for your business.

To submit your company listing, please send your company detail to below email address.

Email Address: contact@malbex.com.my

We intend to expand our services further, promoting all possible range of furniture from all suppliers and manufacturers as well as designer furniture and other possible demands for high quality products for office spaces.